Mirboo North
Community Energy Hub

Storage Systems

Energy Storage Methods
Renewable energy technologies provide a sustainable and clean source of energy. However, due to their intermittent production of power, storage options for this generated energy act as a barrier to a more widespread implementation of renewable energy sources. This is particularly a problem with off-grid systems because they lack the backup supply that would be provided by the grid. In order to more efficiently use the energy generated from renewable systems, it is necessary to have a method to store this energy so it can be used at times when the system is not generating energy.
There are five main categories of energy storage; chemical, electrochemical, electrical, mechanical, and thermal. Specific methods of energy storage are grouped into these categories based on how they store energy.
The pages below each describe a specific energy storage system and how it works. Their advantages and disadvantages are highlighted so you can decide which technology is right for you.
Find Out More About Each Energy Storage Category: